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Vladimir Eliseev
Vladimir Eliseev

Boxing Icon Emanuel Steward Recuperates From Surgery;Not Deceased

Well, I guess it would be good if the men who sanctioned and promoted fights involving Mike Tyson were subjected to vilification and corporal punishment by large men with pointy sticks, Ditto for the men who allowed Oliver McCall to get into the ring with Lennox Lewis while he was still in rehab, and likewise for those men who enable mismatches like Gatti-Gamache, and all kinds of stuff like that. Am I right? Wrong. That would be okay for boxing, nice for boxing, but it would do no consequential good. Fighters like Tyson, McCall, Gatti, et al, are to the sport what bands like Metallica and the Stones and Oasis are to rock and roll--they and their promoters and enablers comprise a portion of a thin upper level of the business; knock a few of them off and others will rise from the depths to take their place. It's the depths of boxing that urgently need to be reported on, that need to be changed and purified in order for the upper reaches to shine. You can't cure cancer with cosmetic surgery. You have to go in and get all the tiny tumors. You have to address corruption on a local level, to ferret out all the little weasels with bad combovers and cheap tuxedos who let brain-damaged pugilists risk their lives for short money in nowhere towns in Missouri and Mississippi and Idaho. You have to write eloquently and persuasively about the practice of meatpacking, carting a van full of underage kids and has-beens and never-weres from town to town, building up their records by having them fight each other under false names every few days, then throwing them in with a real fighter on a Vegas undercard to give him an impressive KO and set him up for a title shot. You have to expose the cheaters and the drug test-fakers, the steroid pushers and the fixers, the club show promoters who stiff their fighters, the incompetent doctors and the commissions who'd license Tommy Morrison to fight a ten-year-old girl in the nude if you slipped them enough Benjamins. You have to turn the white-hot light of judgment on your own profession and point out the criminal hypocrites, the poseurs who affect a moral stance but whose lips have turned brown from rim-jobbing Arum, King, and various of the lesser demons.

Boxing Icon Emanuel Steward Recuperates From Surgery;Not Deceased

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Primeira Igreja Batista da Lagoinha em Bragança Paulista - CNPJ 37.721.547/0001-96

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