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Michael Brown
Michael Brown

Fuels And Combustion Sp Sharma Pdf |LINK| Download

Abstract:The recent transport electrification trend is pushing governments to limit the future use of Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs). However, the rationale for this strong limitation is frequently not sufficiently addressed or justified. The problem does not seem to lie within the engines nor with the combustion by themselves but seemingly, rather with the rise in greenhouse gases (GHG), namely CO2, rejected to the atmosphere. However, it is frequent that the distinction between fossil CO2 and renewable CO2 production is not made, or even between CO2 emissions and pollutant emissions. The present revision paper discusses and introduces different alternative fuels that can be burned in IC Engines and would eliminate, or substantially reduce the emission of fossil CO2 into the atmosphere. These may be non-carbon fuels such as hydrogen or ammonia, or biofuels such as alcohols, ethers or esters, including synthetic fuels. There are also other types of fuels that may be used, such as those based on turpentine or even glycerin which could maintain ICEs as a valuable option for transportation.Keywords: biofuels; fuels; synthetic fuels; internal combustion engine; alternative fuels

Fuels And Combustion Sp Sharma Pdf Download

Carcinogenic substances are evaluated and listed by the International Agency of Research in Cancer (IARC) under WHO according to accumulated scientific findings in cellular, animal and human studies. Group 1 entails substances with sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and group 2 includes substances that IARC has classified as probably (2A) or possibly (2B) carcinogenic to humans [82]. As almost all current aviation fuel/jet fuels are extracted from the middle distillates of crude oil (kerosene fraction), which is between the fractions for gasoline and diesel [5] (whose combustion emissions are classified as group 2B and group 1 carcinogens, respectively [69]), there is cause for concern in terms of the potential carcinogenicity of exposure to jet fuel combustion products.

Recent lung cancer genomewide association studies, which have been performed primarily in smoking Caucasian males, have reported associations between variants in loci 15q25, 5p15, and 6p21 and lung cancer susceptibility (Amos et al. 2008; McKay et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2008). The first genomewide association study of lung cancer among nonsmoking females in Asia reported that a variant in the CLPTM1L-TERT locus of chromosome 5 was strongly associated with lung cancer (Hsiung et al. 2010). The magnitude of the association was somewhat stronger than a previous estimate based on a genomewide association study of lung cancer among Caucasians, most of whom were smokers (Landi et al. 2009). Ongoing genomewide association studies of lung cancer in Asian populations should be able to provide new insights into how genetic susceptibility modifies the impact of IAP on lung cancer. Gene environment interactions have been explored among populations exposed to smoky coal, and similar studies are needed in populations with exposures to IAP emissions from the combustion of other solid fuels including wood, dung, and crop residues.


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